GrateAire 18979 24" Airflow Panel - Anti-Static - for Tate Bolted stringer systems (Steel or Woodcore) - no Damper

Tate's 18979 GrateAire die cast aluminum panels are designed for new and existing data center applications. The high strength, low weight all aluminum construction makes it the ideal solution for use in contained aisles with high foot traffic. With the ability to perform the same amount of cooling as 3 perforated panels without comparable cost, GrateAire is an affordable and cost effective airflow panel, ideal for use in contained aisles.

  • Die-cast aluminum panels with 56% unobstructed open area.
  • Cools over 12kw of heat and up to 25kw in a contained system at .2 inches H20
  • Effortless reconfiguration and retrofit of any existing stringered access floor, without modification
  • Interchangeable with laminated ConCore and All Steel Panels
  • 56% open area
  • Panel size: 24 inches square
  • Panel height at corner: 1.250". Total panel height 1.687"
  • Flange width: 0.480" to accomodate 3/4" wide stringers
  • Panel weight: 4.7 lb./ft2
  • Non-combustible material
  • Class A flame spread rating
  • Removeable with portable lifting device

Tate floor panels are only compatible with Tate Raised Floor Systems. Please check your setup carefully - no returns or exchanges accepted. For larger quantities, please contact us

Tate GrateAire 18979

Please call 1-866-722-5776 to order

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DirectAire 24" System Performance CriteriaStatic LoadsRolling Loads (lbs)ImpactAirflow
Panel TypeUnder-StructureSystem Weight (lbs/ft2)Design Loads (lbs)Safety Factor10 Passes10,000 PassesLoad (lbs)@ 0.1"H2O (CFM)Capture Index
Aluminum GrateHeavy-Duty Bolted Stringer6.251000Pass1000 lbs800 lbs100150112188%

1. System Design Load is based on permanent set ? 0.010" and is verified by loading panels in accordance with the CISCA concentrated load method but with panels installed on actual understructure instead of steel blocks. (Testing on blocks does not represent performance of an actual installation.) Ultimate, Rolling, and Impact Load tests are performed using CISCA Test Procedures.
2. Safety Factor is Ultimate Load divided by Design Load.

Pressure (in. H2O)Air Volume (CFM)Air Volume w/ Damper open (CFM)Air Volume w/ Damper closed (CFM)

*Cooling capacities were calculated using the following formula:(CFM x Capture Index %) / 126(CFM needed to cool 1kW @ 25ºF ?T)= kW per rack. NOTE: GrateAire Model 18979 does not have a damper.

Question: RE: Tate GrateAire 24" with Damper - what is best orientation to rack, slots perpendicular or parrallel?
Answer: Thank you for your inquiry, With the Damper, you would orient the slots perpendicular to the rack. The slots on the damper can be adjusted from 0-100% range towards the rack with quarter turn adjustment. If you would like further clarification on this, please feel free to contact your Server Racks Online sales representative directly.