The E-TLD-x tape style water detector uses a self-adhesive sensor tape with copper fiber electrodes and a durable netted cover for dependable detection of conductive liquids anywhere along the length of he tape. The E-TLD-x includes a tape integrity self-check feature, which activates a trouble output if the tape is unplugged, broken, or cut. Alarm relays may be independently jumpered to energize or de-energize upon water or trouble detection.
- For warning of flooding.
- Uses a self-adhesive sensor tape with copper fiber electrodes and a durable netted cover for dependable detection of conductive liquids.
- Continuous tape integrity self-check.
- Minimum puddle: 0.125" (3 mm) diameter.
- Weather resistant enclosure.
- Floor or under-pipe mounting.
- Available tape sensor lengths: 10/25/50/100 feet.
- Powered by the E-2D/5D/16D NTI Small, Mediium and Large Enterprise Environment Monitoring Systems.
Formerly the NTI ENVIROMUX-TLD-x.