Please note, the ServerTech Sentry Fail Safe Transfer Switch PTXL (PTXL-HF16) has been discontinued. To discuss alternative options, please contact your Server Racks Online sales representative.
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The Sentry Power Tower XL (PTXL) Fail-Safe™ provides fail-over redundancy to single or dual-power supply servers and network devices. Exclusive to the Power Tower XL Fail-Safe is its ability to carry loads on the A circuit, B circuit or both and to remotely manage the outlets. Similar, but unlike a common automatic transfer switch, the Power Tower XL Fail-Safe unit is unique in that it contains two (2) in-feeds and two (2) banks of eight (8) outlets each, for a total of 16 outlets across the two circuits.
The Power Tower XL Fails Safe's "A" in-feed routinely powers just the A1-8 outlets, and the "B" in-feed routinely powers just the B1-8 outlets. However, if the "A" in-feed goes down, the "B" in-feed powers all 16 outlets and the same if the "B" in-feed goes down, The transfer occurs in fewer than 18 milliseconds, which is faster than the interruption rate of the attached equipment.
This new "Fail-Safe" method has several advantages compared to a standard ATS because it does not prohibit load balancing between the two supplied circuits. A standard ATS contains two-in-feeds, but runs all outlets from just one source, with the secondary source only being used once an outage occurs on the capacity. This results in less heat, less resistance, and consequently less of a voltage drop compared to the same load existing on just one source. Only when an outage occurs on one of the two sources will the entire load be applied to a single source.